I know we are living in tough times right now, but I hope you all share in my joy and excitement in the hiring of our new settled pastor, Bethany Meier. Please keep Bethany and her wife, Kelsee, in your prayers as they prepare to move to Las Cruces. I’m sure they face many challenges moving during this time. I look forward to exciting opportunities ahead as they come to join us.
As the world and our local community continues to deal with the coronavirus and associated fallout from that, please keep our church family, as well as your neighbors, in your prayers. Given that we’re not meeting in person right now for services, reach out and call people to check on them. It can be very easy for people to be overwhelmed by loneliness if they feel like they shouldn’t be going out or physically can’t go out. We are all social creatures and need conversation with others. I leave you with the words from Psalm 46:1-3:
God is our refuge and strength,
a very present help in trouble,
Therefore we will not fear, though the
earth should change,
though the mountains shake in the
heart of the sea;
though its waters rear and foam,
though the mountains tremble with
its tumult.
Paul Cook