August 1, 2020

Hello church!
We are rolling into August, and it is hard to believe the summer is almost over! I have been delighted to spend the last month getting to know you all a bit better, and I am excited to continue to have opportunities to connect with you over the coming months.
One of the best ways to connect with other church members and with me is to join one of the Zoom meetings that are scheduled for every week. Coffee with the Minister is on Wednesdays at 10 AM, Spiritual Practices is on Thursdays at 10 AM, and our book club is every other Thursday at 7 PM. You can find Zoom links and more information here:
I know that for some, starting a Spiritual Practice can be difficult, especially if you haven’t done it before. I want to make sure you know that no experience is necessary to join our group on Thursdays. If you would like a sample of the types of things we do, I would like to invite you to try out this guided meditation on your own. I have adapted it from multiple Buddhist and Christian sources over the last couple of years and settled into this language as a version that works well for me. The primary source for this adaptation is (, however, if you search for “Loving Kindness Meditation” you can find many sample scripts, and even Youtube videos that will walk you through how to complete it! It is a great way to connect with God and find compassion for yourself and others!
Rev. Bethany Meier
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Loving Kindness Meditation Instructions:
Begin by settling into a comfortable position in your chair. Set your feet flat on the floor in a way that feels natural for you. Wiggle around on your chair until you’re comfy. Make sure you’re sitting upright, but not straining, with your spine nice and tall so you can really breathe deeply. Maybe take a moment to relax your shoulders and let the tension out of your forehead. Let’s start by taking 5 long, slow breaths in and out. Center your awareness on your breathing, and let yourself enjoy a moment of relaxation.
Let’s begin by offering ourselves a blessing. Create an image of yourself in your mind – you as you are now, or maybe you as a small child, and try to cultivate a soft, loving heart towards yourself. Extend grace and love to yourself. Now, imagine yourself cupped in God’s loving, tender hands. Just let yourself rest in God’s hands for a moment. (Pause).
Now think with me:
May I experience God’s love.
May I experience God’s rest.
May I experience God’s peace.
(Long pause for about 5 deep breaths)
Let us now extend our blessing to someone you love. Imagine your partner, a best friend, a sister or brother, or even a child or parent, someone who brings you deep feelings of love, tenderness, and care. Imagine this person in your mind’s eye. Open your heart to this person and extend love and grace towards them. Now, imagine this person cupped in God’s loving, tender hands. Just let him or her rest in God’s hands for a moment. (Pause).
Now think with me:
May they experience God’s love.
May they experience God’s rest.
May they experience God’s peace.
(Long pause for about 5 deep breaths)
Let us now extend our blessing to someone you are neutral about. This could be the person who bagged your groceries at the grocery store, a neighbor you don’t know very well, or maybe the barista that makes your morning coffee. Imagine this person in your mind’s eye. Open your heart to this person and extend love and grace towards them. Now, imagine this person cupped in God’s loving, tender hands. Just let him or her rest in God’s hands for a moment. (Pause).
Now think with me:
May they experience God’s love.
May they experience God’s rest.
May they experience God’s peace.
(Long pause for about 5 deep breaths)
Now, we will extend our blessing to someone whom you just don’t get along with. This is someone who causes tension, anger or negative emotions when you interact with them. Imagine this person in your mind’s eye, and try to hold them gently in your heart, with feelings of benevolence and gentleness. If feelings of anger or tension arise, try to release these feelings to God, by just letting go and opening your heart to set these negative energies free to God’s care. Now, imagine this person cupped in God’s loving, tender hands. Just let him or her rest in God’s hands for a moment. (Pause).
Now think with me:
May they experience God’s love.
May they experience God’s rest.
May they experience God’s peace.
(Long pause for about 5 deep breaths)
Finally, let us extend God’s blessing to all beings, everywhere. All that is, all that has ever been made, all that is and was and is to come: it is all held by God, sustained by God’s love, and blessed by God’s Spirit. Imagine a beautiful, blue-green earth in your mind, full of plants and animals and so many people, so many beings – and this whole world is in God’s upturned palm. The whole world rests in God.
Now think with me:
May all beings everywhere experience God’s love.
May all beings everywhere experience God’s rest.
May all beings everywhere experience God’s peace.
(Looooong pause for about 10-15 deep breaths).
Begin to bring your awareness back to your body. Wiggle your fingers and toes. Stretch. Move around on your chair. When you are ready, open your eyes.