On Sunday, January 19 Triny Rivera joined us in worship and spoke to us about what El Calvario is doing these days to help Asylum Seekers and what we can do to assist in the process. We were touched deeply by Triny’s sharing.
Below are some of the current needs that can be placed in the Donation Station box located in the atrium:
Instant coffee
cooking oil
canned vegetables, including
canned meats, including
The refugees living in tents on the streets of Juarez near the border were moved by Mexican officials and are now living in shelters more inland in Juarez and in small apartments with roofs over their heads. They have access to small stoves and are receiving beans and rice from the Mexican government.
The group from El Calvario plans to continue to go to Juarez every Tuesday, although the trip is longer than it used to be by about 45 minutes.
Anyone who wants to volunteer by traveling to Juarez on a Tuesday can contact Debbie at (972) 567-4574 and first take a Child Abuse Awareness Video training. Debbie can set that up for you.
Any questions? Mike Bureman or Sue Stefford-Grey may have an answer or can point you in the right direction to get an answer.