HUGE thank you for FCC’s participation in this year’s sock drive for the Community of Hope.
Below is a “thank you” Nicole Martinez, Executive Director, asked that I send to all who participated.
The total sock collection was 577 pair (FCC contribution 259 pair). Blessings upon each of you.
YOU made a difference in someone’s life this season.
Sandy Weber
One-to-One Project
Begin forwarded message:
Sandra and Friends~
Thank you so much for all of the socks! They are one of the most needed items.
We have a lot of cold toes over here—in fact, last year we served 2,971 people.
Thank you for helping us make a difference. You’re amazing.
Happy Holidays from all of us.
Nicole Martinez, LMSW, MA
Executive Director
Mesilla Valley Community of Hope/ Abode, Inc.