The Search Committee is starting over on the search for a Settled Pastor. They worked long and hard and found a suitable candidate. Unfortunately, the candidate ended up choosing to go in a different direction and so declined our offer to come to First Christian Church. Donna was quick to point out that the candidate was not rejecting us. The candidate was choosing between a settled pastorship and a regional position. The one would keep him in front of a congregation and the other would provide him leadership opportunities within the conference. So though our process did not end with us calling a settled pastor, it has helped the conference identify an emerging leader. Nonetheless, we are feeling disappointed and disheartened.
The Search Committee is recovering from the disappointment and is reconstituting in order to start the process anew. Please offer any member of the search committee that you encounter your sincere thanks and offer them words of encouragement that the process will result in a desirable result this time around. The members of the search committee are: Sue Lashley, Erica McDowell, Sandy Webber, Aletta Wilson, Jack LeSage, Eric Hays-Strom and Scott Hays-Strom.