As Christians we are called to keep Christ at the center of our lives and to spread the gospel wherever we go. This summer in your travels and adventures take Jesus along…and tell us about it!
Who is Flat Jesus? The original “flat” character was Flat Stanley, star of a book by Jeff Brown in which a boy has remarkable adventures after waking up one day to discover he is flattened to half-an-inch thick. This was the beginning of the Flat Stanley project in schools to help children with literacy and geography and from this grew the Flat Jesus Project.
The Flat Jesus Project “And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20 Flat Jesus reminds us to keep Christ at the center
of our lives even, or especially, when we are far from our church home. As you are out and about this summer, take Jesus along for the adventure. You’ll love taking Flat Jesus out to dinner or the park, to exotic locations such as Europe or Organ Mtns, to the zoo or to camp – wherever you and your family go. Then document the adventures with pictures you share with your Church family. This project is for EVERYONE, not just families with children.
How to create your own Flat Jesus Pick up a copy of Flat Jesus at the church) Decorate Flat Jesus – what color hair does he have? What color skin tone? How should his robes be decorated? How do you see Jesus? Take one for yourself and one for a friend.
Send your photos to
If you have access to a laminating machine, laminate your Flat Jesus. This way if he attempts to walk on water or spills a lot of wine, he’ll be protected! Take your Flat Jesus everywhere with you and take plenty of pictures. Share your pictures with us being sure to let us know where the photo was taken, Talk with family and friends about what you and Flat Jesus experienced.
Have Fun!