Every year, Scott and I struggle to put together a budget. Doing so would be impossible without us having an idea of income. We each work. And so we know roughly how much we can expect to receive during the year, and when, so we can budget against each week’s income.
The budgeting process is the same for First Christian Church in Las Cruces. Before we can budget we need to know, more or less, how much we can expect in income. But First Christian Church doesn’t receive a paycheck that is the same every week or every month. We are dependent on our members and visitors and income from building use.
There is no way for us to project our income without your carefully thought out pledges! We can’t really even begin the budgeting process without some idea of your giving as reflected in your pledges.
I don’t like giving my money to any organization without some idea of how it will be spent. I imagine this is the case for others.
First Christian Church nearly half our income on personnel expenses, such as our Interim Pastor, our secretary and our sexton.
And the second largest expense for First Christian Church is our property.

In addition, there is still a loan balance of nearly $30,000 that First Christian Church owes that we pay faithfully on every single month.
First Christian Church is blessed to have our own facility, and not to have any mortgage to pay. We’re blessed that we are able to serve our community in so many ways, whether it is through the rental of space for our various tenants or by providing assistance and a place for the Food Pantry for People with HIV. One of the blessings I love is the presence of the Labyrinth!
Please consider filling out a pledge card this Sunday and dropping it in the collection plate or the basket at the back of church. You can pick up a bright yellow pledge card in the back of the sanctuary.
Thank you for considering us this year!