Luke 23: 32-34 September 2, 2018
Well, we’ve made it through the Summer Sermon Series. Hopefully, we’ve gained an awareness of how we are all challenged to live the Golden Rule to treat others as we want to be treated.
We learned from many different religious and spiritual traditions about meditation, intention, mindfulness. Perhaps you have added a practice or two into your daily routine. My test about treating others kindly and well, about good intentions and mindfulness always seems to be in the longest, slowest line in the grocery store. Where is your greatest challenge?Although I think I am a compassionate person, I learned that I still have much to work on.
Today’s step is to Love our Enemies. One of those “easier said than done” things. For our last day in this series I’ve chosen two video clips for us to watch. This is a story I was made aware of several years ago and I think this story of awareness, forgiveness and redemption says it well. In many ways it reflects today’s scripture reading. Both clips are about Matthew Boger and Andrew Zaal. After you hear their stories you will perhaps understand why this story has kept a hold on me over the years.
These videos can be seen by going to “Time Video with Boger and Zaal, October 31, 2016” and “It Gets Better, September 30, 2011“.
When we truly see one another; when we truly become open and vulnerable to the other – to the stranger, God breaks open possibilities for compassion, mercy, healing, forgiveness, wholeness, and reflected within us is the love of God which surpasses all understanding. Amen.
Copyright DMC 2018