Part of my job as interim minister during your transition is getting to know you individually and as a congregation. Each congregation has its own unique personality and style, gifts, and desires. This transitional period allows you to take a step back and reflect on: where you’ve been; where you are; and where you desire to be as God’s beloved. Transitional times are not always easy times — one person leaves and “the deck gets shuffled” and that can cause anxiety about the “what’s next” question.
This transitional time is also a great gift where you can take time to be reflective. That is part of the process you have already undertaken by answering the survey questions. Your input now is critical to the direction of First Christian Church’s next step. Your responses also help the Search Committee in its recommendation to the congregation for the next settled pastor. That’s a step that’s down the road but your responses now help to make that determination.
I have been asked several times if the church profile will be going to both to the United Church of Christ and Disciples of Christ denominations for consideration by interested pastors. Yes! And because of the close ties between the denominations, Disciples pastors can find us on the UCC listings and UCC pastors can find us on the Disciples listings.
About timing: The hope is that the church profile will be completed by mid-December and sent to the Profile Office of both denominations at that time. Turnaround time from the denominations for these postings may vary during the holidays, but the positions could be posted sometime mid-January.
I hope this information is helpful and answers some of your questions. I am sure more questions will arise as the process continues and I hope you feel free to ask for answers.
By the way, the Brown Bag Lunch invitation is on-going. You are invited to meet me Thursdays at 12 noon for conversation, sharing what’s on your mind, asking questions. There is no agenda — just an opportunity on a summer day to get together.
Don’t forget: drink plenty of water, stay cool and say your prayers.