Those planning to be part of these Sunday morning discussions will want to purchase (or borrow) a copy of THE MYSTIC IN YOU by Bruce G Epperly. This book consists of twelve brief essays, each of which introduce us to
A Huge Thank You for SOCKS
HUGE thank you for FCC’s participation in this year’s sock drive for the Community of Hope. Below is a “thank you” Nicole Martinez, Executive Director, asked that I send to all who participated. The total sock collection was 577
Worship Team Update Come Join Us
The Worship Team meets the second Wednesday of the month at 3:00 pm to plan the next month’s worship services by choosing hymns and readings to complement the sermon and scripture. Linda Weathers, a member of the Worship team, will
“Active Hope”
This seems speaks to me so directly about climate crisis concerns. I would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks, Til Zimmerman Active Hope is not wishful thinking. Active Hope is not waiting to be rescued by some savior. Active
The congregational exhibit will continue to be on display until January 31, 2020 Thank you to all who participated. You are a creative bunch! Please arrange to take your pieces home by Sunday, February 2, 2020 Thank You Jack LeSage
Christmas Tree Ornaments
Thanks to all who brought an ornament or memento to decorate our sanctuary tree on December 15. Each additional piece was a blessing and made this tree truly unique. The tree will be up through Epiphany – the true 12
Every Sunday is a good Sunday to Worship at FCC Sunday, January 19, 2020 is Extra-Special
Please join us in worship for a morning of singing spirituals and honoring Martin Luther King, Jr. Trini from El Calvario United Methodist Church will update us on what is happening with Asylum Seekers in Las Cruces and how FCC can
A Few Words
Happy New Year We blink and another year has come to an end! How can that be? One of the year-end tasks to both the Disciples of Christ and United Church of Christ is expecting each congregation to submit statistical
Words from the Board President
The Search Committee is starting over on the search for a Settled Pastor. They worked long and hard and found a suitable candidate. Unfortunately, the candidate ended up choosing to go in a different direction and so declined our offer
A Few Words
A candle of intention is usually lit every Sunday before the pastoral prayers. Often the intention is a word or a thought that is reflective of the sermon theme. The candle of intention for Sunday, November 17 was “encouragement” and