Lesa and Donald Wilson share with you the happy news that Denali and Felipe Rodriguez Romero were wed in Albuquerque on June 2nd. First Christian Church celebrates this good news.
The Celebration of a Life
A Memorial Service was held on Saturday, June 29th in our sanctuary remembering and celebrating the life of Nancy Galloway. Nancy died on June 1st at a hospital in El Paso. A full obituary can be seen on the Baca
Heads up on some important dates! August 4, 11, 18, 25 – Adult Conversations September 1 – Potluck Lunch New Member Information Session to follow September 8 – Reception of New Members September 11 – Worship Committee meeting at 1:30
We said goodbye to Sylvia Nesbitt on Sunday, June 23. Sylvia will be joining her partner, Debra Darmata, in the northwest. We hold Sylvia, Deb and Jacob in our prayers and give thanks for their journey through our lives at
Flat Jesus
Flat Jesus is slowly making the rounds. We are unable to post the photos on this newsletter, but you will be able to see where Jesus has been on either the website or on the bulletin board in the Atrium.