June 30, 2019
Today we welcomed Karuna and the New World Drummers and Dancers to our worship service. The beat of the drum touched our hearts and fed our souls.
The following two photos are from the piece: Love of Mother, Father, Community.

The next two photos are from the piece: The Creator Has a Master Plan, Peace & Happiness throughout the Land.

The morning ended with the ensemble drumming us out into the world with the song: I’m the Drum, You’re the Drum, We’re the Drum.
Karuna graciously allowed us to interview him and he shared his “creation story” with us.
Karuna and Marie have been teaching drumming and dance at First Christian Church for the past 8 years. The doors are open each Friday for the Global Village Drum Circle from 6:30-8pm – ages 7 to 77.
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